Thursday, March 1, 2012

Winner of CCC#27- Sketch challenge!!!

Hello! I hope everyone is safe and cozy at home this morning! I took Chica, (the little dog) outside and she was up to her neck in snow! It was hilarious! Anyway, big thanks to everyone who entered! I know this might have been a bit harder than our other challenges since it was a sketch but everyone who entered used my sketch so nicely! And now, the winner is.............................

And here is her adorable card!
Macka, e-mail us your e-mail address and check out Sweet'n' Sassy stamps and tell us what digi set you liked best. (my e-mail is

Thanks again to everyone who played and stay tuned for March's challenge which will be posted tomorrow!


  1. Soooooo cute Macka (i'm emmas cousin alivia) I can't belive you did that

  2. Thanks, i emailed Miss Julie, thanks so much, me very happyyyyyyyy
    love Doodle xx


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave us some love! :)